The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59923   Message #957639
Posted By: GUEST
22-May-03 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
Subject: RE: BS: Ashcroft to face Congress over the Patri
It'll be a whitewash, most likely. A dose of placation. Congress was in the headlights when it raised the issue of 'sunset clauses' on the Patriot Act. They were going to let some sections of the Act renew instead of die as outlawed in the clauses. But too many people were watching, so they voted like they promised they would on that one. And that's what Congress and Ashcroft will most likely feed the cameras. "The egregious portions of the Act were just sunsetted out of existence." Which will be Bushit. You're STILL a domestic terrorist if you march in a protest or break a law. Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act. Look it up.