The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59898   Message #958432
Posted By: catspaw49
23-May-03 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: Dylan Documentary: What Would You Ask?
Subject: RE: Dylan Documentary: What Would You Ask?

Paul Clayton had colledcted an older tune, something like "Who's Gonna' feed the Chickens" or something like that which he turned into the Ribbons song which Dylan liked and it became DTTIAR.

The relationship between Clayton and Dylan depends on who you listen to. They were friends and some say Clayton was completely fixated on Dylan. While others talked about Woody, he kept talking about Dylan. Whether or not he was embittered about the thing really does depend on who is telling the tale. Some say he was, others that they remained friends while the publishers sued each other.

The one certain fact is that Dylan, in his obviously burning desire for success, badly used a lot of his friends and associates at the very least. I think that Jack Elliott was flattered by people saying that Dylan was stealing his act and thought Bob was great. But later things changed dramatically. I don't think Dylan did this stuff with the thought of fucking people over as much as his quest blinded him to what he was doing and he really didn't care, thinking all that stuff was no big deal.
