The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10723   Message #95895
Posted By: Bill D
16-Jul-99 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Worst pickup lines ever
Subject: RE: Worst pickup lines ever
well, as a male who has watched totally inept and boorish guys create cynicism & doubt in the minds of SO many women...muddying and polluting the waters for everyone because they had nothing but hormones working, I CAN blame some fellers for trying...*big wry grin*

I know, a little good-natured joking, in the right circumstances, can 'break the ice' sometimes, but there are limits...or oughta be! Some women are better than others at sorting them out and dealing with them, but some women are truly put off by it all...I am well past the age where it is a serious issue in my personal life..*sigh*...but I still cringe at some of the stories above.

(what would I consider a 'reasonable' opening? What about 'hello' with a friendly smile, and followed if the smile is returned, by some remark on the world as they are both experiencing it at that moment?, music..etc..Just a thought.