The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11153   Message #95917
Posted By: Max
16-Jul-99 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: annap's gathering
Subject: RE: annap's gathering
Good news, I just got a Digital Mini-Disc recorder and a very nice stereo microphone designed specifically to record things like sings. I tried it out last night recording myself in the house. IT SOUNDED GREAT (not me though, the recorder and mic did) I am very glad this came up because I wanted to bring it down and experiment and such. Sounds like it would be OK.

It's perfect because it can transfer to computers easy and I can encode it in a heartbeat if anything ever ends up on the mudcat. Its a nice setup too because you don't have to put it way up to the musician. Sounds great at 10 feet or more. This'll be fun. I should show up early afternoon Saturday. Yippie.