The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12000   Message #95954
Posted By: Stephen Mendel ""
16-Jul-99 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Tex Koenig's Passing (1940-1999)
Subject: RE: Tex Koenig's Passing
I too knew Tex, for a little over 30 years, met him in Montreal when I was still in high school. He was hired to play his brand of folk music at the school's annual ski trip up to the Laurentian Mountains. I played and sang with him and we got on well with each other and began a friendship where we saw one another infrequently (I now live in Los Angeles) and spoke several times a year. I have to admit now that I didn't like originating the phone calls because he could talk, couldn't he. I lived and worked in Toronto in the mid to late 80's and I was flush then so I took him out to eat often and almost always for Dim Sum to which he had introduced me in Montreal. I spoke with him for almost an hour about two months ago. I had no inkling of his ill health, because let's face it he always had some sort of health problem going on still I was shocked and saddened. No more multi-hour conversations at 3 am. I miss him, he was a wonderful ranconteur, a marvelous story-singer, he enriched my life and I actually have a cassette tape of his album, it's a little beat up because it's been in several cars but I treasure it, as I treasure Tex and my memories of him