The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60045   Message #959545
Posted By: GUEST,Len Wallace
26-May-03 - 11:14 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
Subject: Need words Un du Akerst Yiddish Worksong
Hi Gang,

I'm desperately searching for the Yiddish lyrics for the worker's song "Un Du Akerst" written by Haim Zhitlovsky based on a poem by Georg Herwegh.

Forgive the bad spelling, the chorus goes:

Klink klang, kling klang
klacht der hammer mit zine gezan
Kling klang, kling kland
tserayst du keytn fun shklaven tsvang.

The song was taught to me by Tex Konig years ago. Had it on a computer disc which in apparently now inaccessible.

I can sing it based on phonetic translations from an old recording, but would love to have the real words again. I'm doing a gig at Windsor's Jewish community Centre on Tuesday night. Yup - a Canadian born accordion player from a Byelorrusian-Ukrainian background with a Scottish last name who plays a lot of Celtic music will be doing some Yiddish and klezmer for the folks there. Funny thing . . . their poster also billed me as performing "Broadway Songs"!!!

Would appreciate it if anyone has the words. It's a great song.

Many, many thanks.
For music that never dies,

Len Wallace