The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60013   Message #959565
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-May-03 - 11:46 PM
Thread Name: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
Subject: RE: BS Anybody about? Seems quiet
I'm ready to go back to work on Tuesday to rest up from my days off. I spent all day today up in the attic installing heavy-guage "hardware cloth" (1/2 in square mesh, much more heavy-duty than chicken wire) over the ventilation louvers and then climbing up to the soffets to put the same stuff over the holes squirrels and birds have been using. By now the birds are fledged and the baby squirrels are big and frisky. Time to move out of the attic!

I also dug a bunch of flower beds, hauled mulch and compost (had to load it myself, but it's free, so I can live with the shoveling!) and lots of other stuff. I'm ready to go sit quietly in front of my computer at the library and let the motrin kick in so my sore muscles heal. And I'll visit Mudcat a little more. . .