The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60045   Message #959573
Posted By: Joe Offer
27-May-03 - 12:17 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Un du Akerst (Yiddish Worksong)
Subject: ADD: Un du Akerst (Zhitlowsky)
Him, Len - I found this in Mir Trogn a Gezang, one of a trilogy of songbooks by Eleanor Gordon Mlotek and her husband. They're available at
-Joe Offer-

UN DU AKERST (And You Plow)
(Chaim Zhitlowsky)

Un du akerst un du zeyst,
Un du fiterst un du neyst.
Un du hamerst un du shpinst
Zog, mayn folk, vos du fardinst?

Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Klapt der hamer mit zayn gezang!
Kling-klang, kling-klang!
Tserayst di keytn fun shklafn-tsvang!

Vebst dayn vebshtul tog un nakht,
Grobst undz ayzn fun der shakht,
Brengst di shefe undz arayn,
Ful mit tvue un mit vayn.

Nor vu iz dayn tish gegreyt?
Nor vu iz dayn yomtev-kleyd?
Nor vu iz dayn sharfe shverd?
Veikhes glik iz dir bashert?

Man fun arbet oyfgevakht,
Un derken dayn groyse makht,
Ven dayn shtarker orem vil,
Blaybn ale reder shtii.

You plow and sow; you graze and sew; you hammer and weave—for others. What my people, do you earn? Where is your table set? Where are your holiday clothes? What joy is in store for you? Working man, awake and recognize your strength! Your mighty arm can stop all turning wheels. Clang—the hammer rings! Break the bonds of slavery!

Text by Chaim Zhitlowsky (1865-1943), translated from a poem by Georg Herwegh, a German poet (1817-1875), who took part in the attempted revolution in Baden in 1848. A refrain was added in the Yiddish adaptation.
In A. ldelsohn's version the line reads, "Break the chains of Nicholas," instead of "slavery."
Also a mention of it here (click):
Title: Un Du Akerst -- àåï ãå àÇ÷òøñè
Genre: Literary Ortigin/Class/Revolutionary/Protest
Subject: Labor/Work/Poverty/Exploitation
Origin: Vinkov IV 06
Transliteration: Vinkov IV 06
Translation: Vinkov IV 06
Music: Vinkov IV 06
On album: B-007(l) (Theodore Bikel, History and Origin of Jewish Music (Lecture))
Author Zhitlovsky, Khaim (1865-1943), Yid -- æùéèìàÈÔñ÷é, çééí, (ééÇãéù)
Vocal Bikel, Theodore
First line: Un du akerst un du zeyst, un du fiterst un du neyst,
First line:àåï ãå àÇ÷òøñè àåï ãå æÖñè, àåï ãå ôÏéèòøñè àåï ãå ðÖñè,
Track comment: Part of Lecture on Origin and History of Jewish Music.
Language: English/Yiddish

Title: Zeira, Mordecai, Unidentifed Song
On album: B-007(l) (Theodore Bikel, History and Origin of Jewish Music (Lecture))
Composer Zeira, Mordecai -- æòéøà, îøãëé
Vocal Bikel, Theodore
Track comment: Part of Lecture on Origin and History of Jewish Music.

