The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59857   Message #960280
Posted By: Teribus
28-May-03 - 03:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Well now - so it aint complicated.

Boberts immediate solution in the interests of keeping, "two folks that got bad blood. Get them the heck away from one another..." is to create a DMZ - I note Bobert dodged the questions I asked relating to this exercise, and here are a couple more:

I will take it as read that Bobert has looked at an atlas recently and appreciates how small a country in terms of area wer are talking about.

1. How wide is your DMZ going to be Bobert?

2. Who do you disposses of land to create it?

"If I'm giving Isreal $3B a year I have a lot of say in the deal." But Bobert that, as I have pointed out, is only one side of the problem - what makes it easy for you is your belief that all fault lies on the side of the Israelis - it doesn't.

"I don't even see an attempt on then the US's part. Not even an attempt."

And neither you should Bobert if any US administration was following your advice. To make such pressure public knowledge would only serve to harden the resolve of the Palestinian terrorist organisations, because all of a sudden the US has become, publically, their strongest ally.

"Hey, we propose a plan with so many loopholes that its really no a plan at all..."

The plan to which you refer, Bobert, has been accepted by both sides and is hence a basis for negotiation - a way forward.

Going back to your enforced settlement of the dispute Bobert. Just think back to your last Presidential Election - a solution was forced on the American electorate - a solution that was accepted by both principals. Did you accept it Bobert?