The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59857   Message #960330
Posted By: Wolfgang
28-May-03 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians

one of your favourite rhetorical tricks is to accuse others of making assumptions. You have done that at least twice in the What is Anti-Semitism thread, but the one person here who is full with unfounded assumptions is you. Remember when you accused me in that thread of something which I had neither said nor meant about Palestinians and what existed only in your fantasy?

You did the same in the Al-Dura thread, when you made assumptions about New York City which had no foundations in what (s)he actually had posted here. Based on these wrong assumptions ("I can't help but think" you did write) you hurled out an insult. Before I make such an insult I usually try to inform myself a bit about the person. My little search showed you how easy it could have been for you to inform yourself. The posting history of New York City is very short.

However, I would never have mentioned it again if not McGrath had made what I consider an ill-conceived attempt to support you. I then deliberately singled out the post you may or may not have seen. I was open to the possibility you had not seen it, but the rest of New York City posts was not so different that a person reading without a profound bias would come to a different conclusion.

Well, you don't say explicitely in your last post you had not read that post from New York City, but it seems to be implied. However, it doesn't seem to make a big difference to you otherwise I think you would have apologised now.
