The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59857   Message #960790
Posted By: Bobert
28-May-03 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Subject: RE: BS: The suffering Palestinians
Yo, T:

We're rehashing old material here but I think a DMZ wide enough to keep folks from shooting each other with rifles would probably suffice.

As fir placing blame, you are well aware that over the last couple years I have placed blame on both sides. Only problem is, that in a conflict where one side is obviously superior and having its way, it is their attention that must be gotten first.

As to where the teritorial line be drawn? I don't think it unreasonable to take the land that the Palestianians lived on 20 years ago and use that as the line then divie the DMZ from both sides of that line. No matter what line one uses, it will; be arbitrary in nature. Hey, life ain't perfect and neither is the world but ya got to start somewhere. Howz about you, T? Where would you suggest the line be drawn?

As fir the election/selection? Well, I think we got jipped because we had so many defectors to Gore because folks were scared out of their minds of Bush. I think had Gore or Bush gone into the election with a 20 10 point lead we would have gotten the 5% we needed to get into the debates next time around.

Speaking of getting jipped, I think the entire country got jipped in having a close election called off by 5 very partisan political appointees. It was definately a major setback for democracy and the way it is turning out with Bush, for America.

There, T, did I answer all the questions? Boy, you're compulsive. Bet you drive yer S.O. nuts! Awwww, jus' funnin' with ya, T-Bird.
