The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12267   Message #96163
Posted By: Ferret
17-Jul-99 - 10:31 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: My Little Armalite
Subject: RE: My little armalite

In answer to your question of what is an Irish re-enactor.

I will be brief

There is now through out the world a growing job/hobby of historical Re-enactment of living history, and battles. These are done for schools, local and national authorities.

Personally I have been doing this for some time 26 years, and have done gigs in Belgium, Denmark, France, Holland, The Irish Republic, the Isle of Man, Norway & the U. K.

This is to bring a subject that is so often made so boreing and tedious by bad teachers (that is not to say that all History teachers are boreing I had a very good one my grandmother) and we bring it to life. As so much of our history has been hijacked for political purposes the world over we try to stay out of it (not always successfully) this can make one a bit insensitive to some people. The problem that is if you make any statement or interpretation then some one will disagree with it somewhere so you get to the point where you don't take any notice.

An Irish Re-enactor is a Re-enactor from Ireland. You will find many of them manning one of the many crannogs in Ireland most of the summer, in fact I myself will be there in three weeks.

As for funny if you listen to how it was sung (especially when sung by an Irish Re-enactor at a U.K. gig) it was sung at a party to celebrate the affiliation of an Irish and a English society. (I will say that the song 'The Protestant Boys' was all so sung at this gig by the same man.) No politics no religion we had both Irish Protestant and Catholic there in numbers with no censorship or restriction's what so ever this promoted talk about the troubles in a frank and civilised manner and had a much better under sanding of the others point and all had a good time.

For this I make no apologies.

As a historian I feel it's important to save as much of our history as we can. When all these nice castles were built they were probably thought to be an eyesore by the people living under them, and we keep some of the concentration camps as a remainder of what can be if we are not careful. So like it or not good or bad all songs are part of our history.

Sorry this was so long.

Penny I could not agree more.

All the best
