The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60150   Message #961698
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
30-May-03 - 04:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: No whites need apply
Subject: RE: BS: No whites need apply
I've been stiffed from a job using the same system.

A colleague applied for and was interviewed for a higher grade job in a redeployment programme. She was turned down due to a dreadful interview, no relevant experience and an appalling attendance record, so it was re-advertised the following month at the next stage, where I could, and did apply for it. I was given an interview, and told that day that it had gone well and my experience was relevant.

The day after my interview we were all informed that the colleague had been appointed that morning, despite her failing to meet the criteria. I complained and got a reply stating that the job had 'been advertised erroneously' and that I 'was not eligble to apply'.

The reason? She'd claimed the (mixed race) interview panel were racially discriminatory, she'd not got the job because she is Asian. I could not use the same argument to uphold my complaint because I am white.

To avoid any whiff of UnPC behaviour, they employed her. Her lack of experience and unsuitablility for the job (qualities highlighted at her interview) soon showed, the department was run into the ground and she was replaced within 6 months. I was not offered another interview because I was seen as a trouble maker, having complained the first time.

When a local government as an employer, takes on people because they fit into certain 'bonus groups', rather than on ability to actually do the job, is it any wonder our services start to fall apart?

And the Government want this to happen. They want to be seen as politically correct so there are grants and paybacks to encourage this practice. Black women are known as "twofers", two minority groups represented for the price of one. Employ a black, disabled, lesbian single parent and you score full marks.

I try very hard not to discriminate - I have friends who are all colours, religions and genders, but when you get caught in the negative side, it's very hard not to react strongly. To be employed just because I'm one colour is quite demeaning, to be not employed because I'm the WRONG colour is even worse.

Keep your heart up though, there ARE people out there who employ folk on their abilities - just don't go looking in local government!