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Thread #12267   Message #96171
Posted By: Big Mick
17-Jul-99 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: My Little Armalite
Subject: RE: My little armalite

What and excellent and well thought out post. My hat is off to you for not just reacting and spewing rhetoric. Thank you for an eye opening piece.

I am very sorry that I used the words "the English" in such a broad and general way. If you read some of my earlier posts on the subject, you would note that I have great regard, and in some cases affection, for English friends and the people as a whole. In fact, there is a clear distinction in my mind between the people of this great land, and the actions of their government. I will make no apologies for my opinion of the actions of the Government of England in the North Of Ireland. It is the same as the view of my own government on any number of issues from Native American rights to Vietnam. And I must tell you that I never have agreed with the targetting of innocent civilians whether in London or Omagh. Neither have I ever supported the glorification of "killing of Brits". Please read my post of 29 Sept 98 @ 9:47 AM in Back Home In Derry. On one point, I absolutely concur with Penny. Peace starts in the here and the now.That is why I indicated in the post that Shambles referred to, that it does not matter what I see as the solution. The Irish people, in the Republic and in the North of Ireland, have spoken in a clear and convincing fashion. They want this process to work. Ireland's children here in the States and elsewhere, in my mind, must honor and assist the wishes of the people of that land.


I will agree with you that Majors would have liked to end English involvement in the North, but only because it was an economic burden. He could not, because in order to continue his government, he needed the support of the Northern Irish Unionist seats. Nothing any more or less noble than that.

With regard to your other comments, it would be helpful if you quoted the whole comment, instead of pulling the one part of the sentence that suits your needs. Here is the whole paragraph:

Iason, if you took offense at my comments, please accept my apologies. It is just that I have seen to many of my Irish American friends with this glorified view of the troubles. I believe strongly in one Ireland, free and undivided. I have supported the armed struggle in the past, and I believe you should be able to tell from the above paragraph that I have not done so blind to the terrible cost. I have supported it primarily with political action. My comments, in fact, were meant to say to Irish Americans that if you really support the Irish people, you will support their wishes to give this process a fair chance, and conversely will do nothing to support tearing it down.

When you view that whole paragraph, in fact if you read the whole posting, you would get a much clearer picture of my aims. There was no mention of monetary support. In fact, in my role in politics in the US, my support has primarily been political. I would appreciate in the future that you quote me in context.

Shambles, my intent has always been to encourage the discussion of these issues, while at the same time carrying the position that I have arrived at through many years of contemplation and study. I, clearly and unequivocally, support the aim of a reunited Republic of Ireland. I have at times made broad statements, for which I have apologized. These are usually written when I am tired. That does not excuse them, it is offered only as an explanation. And upon re-examination when I find that I was wrong, I almost always make that right. I generally have come to the conclusion that replying to your posts is not useful. As it relates to my posts, you seem to feel the need to prove me wrong as opposed to debating the issues. You question my motives and analyze me instead of the subject. For a primer on what I am looking for in a discussion, re-read Penny's post. It is excellent, and enlightens. It is that type of discussion that I am looking for.
