The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59367   Message #961893
Posted By: Dave Bryant
30-May-03 - 10:42 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt, Kent (festival)
Subject: RE: Knockholt, Kent (festival)
Does anyone remember Whirligig the children's tv programme from the 1950s ? (giving my age away).
Mexican Pete used to sing things to the tune of "The Mexican Hat Dance" such as:-

"I'm Mexican Pete, zee bad bandit
Zee bad bandit I always 'ave bin
I tie Senor Hank to zee railroad
An' zat is zee end of 'im !"

"I'm Mexican Pete ze bad bandit
I've captured the little Cassy
Senor Hank he must pay ze fat ransom
Before little Cassy I free"

"I'm Mexican Pete ze bad bandit
Zees onions they makea me cry
Please letta me out of zis kitchen
Poor Mexican Pete he will die!"