The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59246   Message #961944
Posted By: ossonflags
30-May-03 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Punch the Horse May Thread
Subject: RE: Punch the Horse May Thread
Lord bless us and save us Axeman!!!!!

This thread has put more years on me than I care to mention, what with all this swanking and posing about the size of your hampton.

Now you have the temerity to tell me (and the world) that you do not recognise your own guitar playing? And Horror of Horrors!! the voice -awful rendition or no- of the coooooooooooooolist singer around,the fellow you have accompanied for nearly five years!!!!!!

You should have been drubbing the royallties out of the man,not raising your eyebrows at my performance!!

For the love of Arthur,get a grip man!!!.