The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60150   Message #962525
Posted By: Metchosin
31-May-03 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: No whites need apply
Subject: RE: BS: No whites need apply
So will I Bobert.

When I worked for the Feds, for a few years I was payed less than my male counterparts, who I supervised, on the justification that "males" needed more money, as they had families to support. Fortunately, in the Technical category, the situation was eventually remedied, although it took many more years for the Feds to right it in other areas of the Public Service. I believe the Feds are still fighting rulings that went against them, regarding female clerical staff.

And I can assure you that, for some odd reason, despite the very large Asian/Indo-Canadian population, here on the westcoast of Canada, both federally and provincially, there were relatively few hired from those ethnic groups, although we did have a few "token" first nations people, and jeez, if you could speak French you were a shoo-in.

People with military service, (unlike the US and Britain, not wartime and predominantly "white male") were also given first priority regarding hiring, no matter how little, their previous experience was relevant to the position on offer. Interesting, nobody bitched at that bit of affimative action.