The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60118   Message #962884
Posted By: GUEST, Claymore
05-Jun-03 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Clinton wants to change 22nd Amendment
Subject: RE: BS: Clinton wants to change 22nd Amendment
There are a couple of thoughts which the liberals might want to consider before they advocate repealing the 22nd ammendment. There are several past presidents which would have easily won a third or perhaps a fourth term past FDR and prior to Clinton.

"I like Ike" Had he run he would have beat the pants off of Kennedy, who barely won against Nixon on the Chicago graveyard vote. Ike could have run till he died. Then Nixon would have been handed the Presidentcy without running. And Ike crushed Truman in every poll of the time.

"Morning in America" He crushed Carter, and Bush the Elder won off his coat-tails despite the Iran Contra affair. Bush would have eventually taken the Presidentcy like Nixon above.

Clinton never had the pluralities of these two and and he would have had to run when he was in his sixties (which by then might matured him enough to keep his pants on)...

Something to think about...

And I really like the idea of Bush running against Clinton. After Monica, Travel Gate, File Gate, and Pardon Gate, and the fact that few if any Democrats outside of the liberal Northeast, still do not speak Clintons name, I think you guys are kidding yourselves...