The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60219   Message #963896
Posted By: Kaleea
08-Jun-03 - 03:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Monkeys
Subject: RE: BS: Monkeys
Gosh! Why is monkeys still monkeys? Quite a simple explanation. You see, monkeys, gorillas, orangatans, & other monkeys & apes observed the humans over the past few thousand years. They noticed that humans are greedy, have ridiculous & harmful behaviors, are easily angered & tend to wage war on all other life forms unlike them, as well as life forms which are like them--i.e.,other humans.    Then the monkeys & apes observed that the humans began to invent things, use raw materials to make things out of, some of the things were even invented for the sole purpose of harming other life forms, and thus "progress" came about. The monkeys & apes observed that the "progress" made the life of the humans more difficult & complicated. Then the "progress" began to destroy the world which the humans shared with all the other life forms. The humans did not choose to alter their "progress" to stop harming the world. The monkeys & apes decided that humans, with their puny human minds, were inferior, and so they decided not to mix it up with humans, to keep to themselves in the monkey & ape world as much as possible, and to keep the monkeys & apes free of the inferior human genes. And that's why monkeys is still monkeys!