The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #51847   Message #964195
Posted By: Dr. Guitar
08-Jun-03 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: Ask Dr. Guitar
Subject: RE: BS: Ask Dr. Guitar
Dear Ben Downsolong,

I can do better that that and post my signature right here! Here it is:


Being a complex signature such as it is, the normal carving or Dremel tools may be difficult to utilise. Fortunately help is close at hand and you may use a minature branding iron. The following shows such a procedure in use (WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT-HEARTED) and, indeed, you can see that the craftsman has not only used my signature but has further personalized it, which you may also wish to consider for your fine instrument:

Inlaying your signature

I do quite agree with you! Mother of Pearl and abalone are not only passe but toxic as well. Mother-of-toilet-seat is a wonderful material for guitars...consider the fine appearance of the following:

Lovely Mother-of-toilet seat work

If it is good enough for Bukka White it should be good enough for anyone! Also the finest contemporary instrument makers are turning back to this wonderful material:

Just look here!

Good luck in your endeavours. By the way I also wear Docs like you!

Yours truly,

Dr. Guitar