The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26164   Message #964565
Posted By: OldPossum
09-Jun-03 - 11:53 AM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Please Post Tunes Here -2
Subject: Tune Add: Don't Dilly Dally (My Old Man)
Since we were talking about moving, here is the tune to a great music hall song on that subject:

T:Don't Dilly Dally (My Old Man)
B:Bumper Book of Music Hall Songs, ed. Peter Foss, EMI Music Publishing Ltd 1988
C:Words and Music by Charles Collins and Fred W. Leigh (c) 1919 B. Feldman & Co Ltd
N:filename[ DILLDALL
[| z1 A || ^G A G A | c2 A>A |
w: We|had to move a|way, 'Cos the|
^G A G A | c3 c | d c A F | E F c B |
w: rent we could-n't|pay, The|mov-ing van came|round just af-ter|
E4-|E z1 B A | A G ^F G | c2 A G |
w: dark;|_There was|me and my old|man, Shov-ing|
G F E F | c2 =B A | G d =B A | ^F G A G | c4-|
w: things in-side the|van, Which we'd|of-ten done be|fore, let me re|mark|
c z1 c A | B A B A | B2 c G | A ^G A G |
w: _We packed|all that could be|packed In the|van, and that's a|
A2 E F | G ^F G A | c B A ^G | A4-|
w: fact; And we|got in-side all|we could get in|side,|
A2 A ^A | =B ^A B A | =B2 A G | A G A G |
w: _Then we|packed all we could|pack On the|tail-board at the|
A2 G E | F E F G | A G A =B | c4-|c z1 z2 |
w: back, Till there|was-n't an-y|room for me to|ride|_|
% chorus
|: c2 d2 | A3 F | G A2 G | D3 z1 | E2 c d |
w: My old|man said,|"Fol-low the|van,|Don't dil-ly|
c B G ^G | A4-|A2 z2 | A2 A B | A2 G E |
w: dal-ly on the|way!"||Off went the|cart with the|
G2 A2 | G F3 | G2 G A | G2 F D | E2 F2 |
w: home packed|in it,|I walked be|hind with my|old cock|
G c A B | c c2 A | B c3 | c c2 A | B c3 |
w: lin-net. But I|dil-lied and|dal-lied,|dal-lied and|dil-lied,|
c>d c A | G F D F | G4-|G z1 z1 c |
w: Lost the van and|don't know where to|roam.|_I|
F F2 G | A A G F | G2 A2 | B G A B |
w: stopp'd on the|way to have the|old half|quart-ern, And I|
c2 B2 | A2 G2 | F2 z2 | z4 :|]
w: can't find|my way|home.|*|