The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60219   Message #964741
Posted By: Peg
09-Jun-03 - 05:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Monkeys
Subject: RE: BS: Monkeys
There's a great new film coming out June 27th called 28 Days Later directed by Danny Boyle.

In the opening scenes, animal rights activists break into a laboratory to liberate some chimpanzees being used for experiments. A lab technician begs the activists not to release the chimps because they are highly contagious: they've been infected with a virus which keeps them in a constant state of psychotic rage. One chimp is strapped down in front of a bank of monitors all showing different images of violence.

When the chimps are released, they immediately attack and infect the humans (the virus is spread through blood to bloodstream contact, so in addition to being scratched or bitten, one can be infected when the attacker vomits copious amounts of blood onto its victim, which this virus seems to ensure will happen 99% of the time), and a viral Armageddon is unleashed...28 days later, the whole of London is wiped out...a few survivors remain.

Absolutely brilliant film, I have been unable to stop thinking about since I saw a press screening last week. Major cities in the US have a sneak preview on Friday the 13th. I understand it did well in the UK. I can't wait to see it again.