The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #964766
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
09-Jun-03 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Ah yes! It appears that some Joe Clone (hasta be a clone 'cause Joe ain't that dumb) needs a refresher lesson on how to recognize BS. I was looking for the "Ask Dr. Guitar" and "Dr. Guitar's Surgery" threads down here in the BS netherlands and somebody has moved them up to the music threads. Now, waituhminitchereboyzn'gurlz! If people using made-up silly names asking absurd questions about guitars and receiving ridiculous "advice" along the lines of "string your guitar with spaghetti instead of Elixirs" isn't BS then I would like to know what is. I mean what's gonna happen when some poor schmuck looking for serious guitar advice runs across suggestions for how to make a stand-up bass from an old dog house? If there's a bit of serious advice in either thread I haven't found it. And I put a fair amount of the idiotic advice there myself so I know it's pure BS.

Well, I guess it just goes to show that George Bush and Tony Blair aren't the only ones capable of making decisions and taking action without bothering to read what's in front of them.
