The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #12327   Message #96494
Posted By: Big Mick
18-Jul-99 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
Subject: RE: Unrepentant Fenian Radio
Aisy, lads and lasses. While I have been guilty on occasion of rude outbursts, for which I later had to repent, I have rarely seen from regulars the vitriol that seems to be creeping in. Sure Shambles and I disagree, but try to do so in a civil manner. Gargoyle, you have been around here a long time. What's up with the attacks on Kat? Did I miss something she did? You have gone after her in two different threads. I am genuinely interested in knowing where this comes from.

Back to the topic at hand. Gargoyle makes a very good point when he says we should listen before we judge. In fact, I have listened to this site on a number of occasions as it reflects many of my views as you are all aware. My objection to it here is not in the making 'Catters aware. In fact, those of you who disagree most are the ones that should listen. As I said in the Armalite thread, it is best to subject ones beliefs to the tests of debate. It insures that we do not fall into the "blindly following" trap that has caused so much misery.

My objection is the way this was presented, which was as an "ad" as opposed to an FYI. I don't like propagandizing. I do like debate. If it were presented as a source, instead of "the answer", I probably would not have objected.
