The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50486   Message #964985
Posted By: Doktor Doktor
10-Jun-03 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Why do men wear socks with sandals
Subject: RE: BS: Why do men wear socks with sandals
Why does no-one here admit it? This entire thread is full of excuses - worse, they're the sneaky snidey "I wasn't really looking, I just strayed onto the beach by accident" sort.

Socks n'sandals ought to be a Badge of Pride (esp with baggy-wrinkled 'Comic Scoutmaster' shorts.)
- Marks you out as a decrepit ole fart
- saves a lot of inane "getting to know you" chat
- stops women pestering you (useful in my case)
- keeps feet nice & cool after a summer shower
- advertises the fact that you probably sing shanties on an amateur basis

So come on chaps, time to come out & be honest. Wear them without excuse. Wear them everywhere. Work, formal dinners, in bed, golfing -
Sockpower rules!