The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60287   Message #965007
Posted By: Dr. Guitar
10-Jun-03 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Subject: RE: Dr. Guitar's surgery
Dear Guest Rowed Hogg,

Unlike "La Cucuracha", Carolan's Concero is a somewhat complex piece being influenced as it is by the works of Corelli and Geminiani and is therefore difficult for the rudimentary technology of the typical automobile horn (or "hooter" as they are called in England) to reproduce.

Part of the solution may lie in its proper name "Mrs. Power". I would suggest therefore mounting a powerful hooter on the hood (bonnet) of your car and activating it with a quick squeeze at the appropriate junctures (or junctions). This should reproduce the entire Concerto.

It is always important neither to be blind nor harpist whilst driving, but I suspect you know this already!

With my best wishes,

Dr. Guitar