The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59284   Message #965312
Posted By: PoppaGator
10-Jun-03 - 04:06 PM
Thread Name: England/Ireland in August: advice?
Subject: RE: England/Ireland in August: advice?
Hey, the chill in the air is part of the attraction! We'll be escaping from August in New Orleans, where neither the temperature nor the humidity ever drops below 95 (that's degrees Farenheit and percent, respectively), not even overnight, and where there's a nice warm thundershower for an hour or so every afternoon.

Just how cold can it be over there in August? (Anyone who cares to answer, please use "F" degrees, not "C.") As long as it stays above freezing, we'll find it a welcome relief and enjoy it.

Noise and beer spillage shouldn't be that hard to take; it can't be that much different from what we expereince during our occasional forays into the nightlife here on the homefront. The tobacco smoke might be more of a problem; even though there's plenty of it fouling the air in our barrooms hereabouts [this ain't California], I'm afraid it'll be much worse in Ireland. This is the one thing I'm dreading, the only area where I don't expect 100% enjoyment... Perhaps the best antidote will simply be more whiskey, until I no longer care.