The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60306   Message #965862
Posted By: Bill D
11-Jun-03 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Attention Deficit disorder in Adults.
Subject: RE: BS: Attention Deficit disorder in Adults.
I have things to say about this, but I compose serious posts so slowly that it would take me 2 hours to get it 'right' ..

I envy my wife and many others who CAN get totally focused on something, even though they complain about the problems they have when they are interrupted.

I am convinced that [a map of the various forms of] "brain wiring" is a 3-D continuum, and that labels like ADD, while sort of useful in some contexts, tend to oversimplify (5 minutes of thinking here, trying to decide how to phrase the next bit....)

tend to oversimplify the actual variations which exist. (not satisfied yet).

Who plays any sort of video or computer games? If you do, do you play the "shoot 'em up, quick reflex, lots of noise and action type"? or the "slow, think about it, plan strategy, quiet sort"?

My brain simply does not cope with 'things jumping out & shooting at me'...I do MUCH better at complex games of solitare or games in which I can extract rules and patterns, even if there is some sort of physical coordination required to execute the rules. Yeah,,,I can beat you at FreeCell, but I cringe at DXBall or BlockOut...etc...(I did beat Mario Brothers several times, once I figgered out the inflexible patterns). ,,,and I LOVED a Nintendo of years ago called "Solomons Key" son can't beat it...but I can!)

anyway, if this is still 'up' after we get home next week, I'll try again...