The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60199   Message #969571
Posted By: GUEST,noddy
20-Jun-03 - 05:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jokes.
Subject: RE: BS: Jokes.
A cruise liner sinks and everyone dies except for the magicians two rabbits who float ashore on a desert island in the top hat.
The island is paradise for rabbits excellent food ,no predators just good rabbit living.So rabbits do what rabbits do and soon there are twelve bouncing baby bunny rabbits ..all female. the Buck rabbit cares for them and soon he does what rabbits do. But all being family he is very polite and always says "Thank you madam, Thank you Madam after each time.
Soon they to have twelve bouncing baby bunny rabbits and again ALL female. So on he goes getting fitter and stronger he runs round the island and shouts thankyou madam, thank you madam thank you madam all day long every day.
Now each and every one of the rabbits has twelve bouncing baby bunny rabbits and again all are female.
The buck is in heaven running round the island "Thank you madam thank you madam thank you madam thank you madam thank you madam thank you madam..... all day long.
Eventually he has a baby boy bouncing bunny rabbit . His pride and joy and he brings him up a polite good boy bunny rabbit. Then comes the day the son is ready to do what rabbits do. Daddy rabbit says "now son remember your manners they are all family so ALWAYS say thank you madam."
"Yes dad Yes Dad Can I start now Yes Dad". His enthusiasm was obvious.

"Right what we will do is I will go round this way and you go round that way and Always say Thank you madam." says daddy rabbit and off they go.

"YEs Dad Yes Dad" and off he shot.

Daddy rabbit was steady Thank you madam .. thank you madam.. thank you madam... thank you madam...

Baby rabbit was going like a train.. thankyou madam thankyou madam thankyou madam thankyou madam sorry dad thank you madam .