The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60617   Message #970359
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jun-03 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Well, Joh, I respect a man who is willing to but his entire John Henry withsuch a statement. While I agree with you, starnger thaings ahve happened. The last two Dems elected president came in as long shot former governors....

There's is something to that formula... that works for the Dems... and Repubs fir that matter since Bush II and Reagun were also former governors. These folks seem to just be able to catch people's imagination. (Well, not Bush II as much since he lost the election and needed his daddy's appointees to intervene in the democratic process.)

Don't count Dean out. He is pro-guns (which I ain't) and could use that to carry a couple of upper south states...
