The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60617   Message #970376
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jun-03 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Well, John, I like yer idea of work-yer-way-up but , unfortuantely that can't ever happen again. The times have changed so drasticly that those days won't be comin' 'round again. I remember, as a kid, seein' actual debates on black and white TV and folks just being themselves about how they felt about one issue or another. No more. Pr and spinfolk run the show and the candidates tend to be no much mor than rival toothpastes or soap products.

Then we end up with the current guy who bungles everything he touches but the admen fix one after another and tell us that if we love our counrty that we had *better* support.... drumroll... "The President"! Oh, what a crock. But the average American has been dumbed down sufficiently to at least humm along with the company line and the beat goes on....

Nevermind. Ol' Bobert just gets a little mist eyed thinkin' of the days when politicans had to face their constituants and at least try to BS 'em without a team of PR folks pulling every string and writin' every line..

