The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60617   Message #970875
Posted By: Frankham
23-Jun-03 - 08:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Sandy, I agree that Dean would be intersting. Whoever it is has to stand up to Bush and make the public see what damage Bush has done. Can Dean do it?

I think Kerry might be able to. His resume.

It's the same old problem. Getting elected is a different job than running the country. It's like actors who do well at auditions, get the job and then once in the role, it's not so good.

Electing is like selling. Governing is an executive's job.

Can Dean sell it? Probably Kucinich, Dean or Kerry could run the country better than Bush. So could've Nader or Gore.

Lieberman is probably pro-Sharon. Bush-lite

Gephardt is Bush-lite. He would be a bad choice for the Dem Party.

Frank Hamilton