The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #970889
Posted By: Rapparee
23-Jun-03 - 09:20 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
AW, Nonexistent Jesus Christ! Tunesmith, if the Catholic Church discouraged questioning of its theology and/or administration (and what organization doesn't?), the Protestant Reformation didn't take place. Vatican II didn't happen. The current mess with pedophilia and other sexual abuses doesn't exist.

I attended Catholic schools from kindergarten through my bachelor's degree -- unlike you, who must rely upond "friends" I have personal experience within the system. My wife did the same, only her experience extends to her first Master's degree. Both of us have many friends among the Catholic clergy and laity. Listen to this statement and try to grasp it: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH MADE A BIG MISTAKE -- IT TAUGHT THE LAITY, THROUGH THE EDUCATION IT PROVIDED THEM, TO *THINK*. TO QUESTION AND TO OBTAIN ANSWERS. TRUE ANSWERS, WHICH DID NOT COME FROM WITHIN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, BUT WHICH WERE AND ARE OBTAINED BY OBSERVATION, RESEARCH, AND OTHER OBJECTIVE MEANS.

One result of the above has been a great decline in the number of priests and nuns. Another has been a decline the amount of money donated to the Church -- voting with the pocketbook, so to speak.

Whether I am a "practicing" Catholic is immaterial (and do not immediately suppose that I am), and my religious beliefs are, frankly, no business of yours.

I strongly urge you to get the non-existent hell out of yourself, turn off your Internet connection, and go volunteer in a soup kitchen or some other such activity. You might, just might, learn something about the world as it is, not as how you want it to be.