The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #970971
Posted By: wysiwyg
23-Jun-03 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
DtG-- LOL! Perhaps it is not the humans who are imaginary, but the permanence of whatever we mean in any moment by the catchall term "intelligence." I have suspected for a long time that it is transitory and conditional, if not altogether mythological. That could help account for the appearance of smarts despite functional indications to the contrary.

There's a funny word, mm? "Mythology." To study (as if one can know) what one avers does not concretely exist. Gonna have to work on that one. :~)

(".... say you saw me passing through....")

There, now it's a music thread about the existence of Pete Seeger.