The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #971007
Posted By: Wolfgang
23-Jun-03 - 12:33 PM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Timothy Freke, the co-author of the book Tunesmith has mentioned, in an interview:

"The Christ story is the foundation story of our culture in the West," he said. "Having said that it's a myth, the next question becomes, 'What does it mean, and can it still be useful to us spiritually?' And for us, the answer is definitely yes."

These authors who favour an all-encompassing gnostic mysticism over traditional Christian faiths as your only source for non-existence of Jesus, that's most curious, Tunesmith.

As much as I am in favour of demystification of religions in general, the arguments of the there-was-no-historical-Jesus faction have always failed to convince me yet. In a variant of the 'let us take absence of hard evidence as evidence of absence' argumentation they show that each piece of evidence (non-Christian writers mentioning Jesus, e.g.) could possibly have another interpretation. That's about as convincing for me as the Biblical Archeological studies from the let-us-believe-every-word Christian faction. You start with a theory and then filter and twist everything you read to fit the theory. Flat-earth-type thinkers and believers whether they come from gnostic mysticism or a more orthodox (in the non-denominational sense) religion will not find me on their side.
