The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #971161
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Jun-03 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Make that some Christians, Tunesmith, and you'd be correct. Make it all Christians and you would not be correct. I have sought enlightenment through science, knowledge, nature, schooling, religions (all of them), meditation, relationships, work, play, and every other possible method I could think of, so I am not particularly afraid of entering doors...nor do I restrict my attentions only to doors that you can break your nose on if you forget to open them. There are some nonmaterial doors out there too, and you will not be able to find any empirical evidence either for or against them.

You are mistaken in assuming that all people who don't see it your way are necessarily wrong, stupid or deluded in some way.

Why not just live and let live? I bet you believe in some stuff that I would consider a religion based upon mythology too. If you were a Republican or a Democrat, for example... :-)

- LH