The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60599   Message #971195
Posted By: GUEST,Claymore
23-Jun-03 - 05:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Help! Our cedar trees seem to be sick.
Subject: RE: BS: Help! Our cedar trees seem to be sick.
OK lets take this session to a miniture level. I have a little bonzi cedar, which I dearly love and does not seem to lack for anything, as I water it weekly to "moist" soil, and feed it with hydroponic fertilizer. It seems to be doing the same thing, and as I have a bit of money invested in the thing, I will be reassured as long as things don't get too brown. But with the salt comment, I wonder if I'm giving it too much water or fertilizer (pot has drain hole for excess water). Any comments welcome...