The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #971361
Posted By: TIA
24-Jun-03 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Tunesmith - Perhaps I have an inkling of what you're saying. Many religious persons believe things about their religion and it's icons that they wouldn't believe in other facets of their lives (e.g., if one of the girls came in the door and said "Dad, I just walked across the pond", I'd be inclined to think it was in her imagination). There are many claims in the bible and other holy texts that actually are testable in a scientific fashion (and might not fare so well). BUT, given this, do you believe that there is no place in the world or peoples' minds for faith, or that faith is delusional or destructive? In my opinion - absolutely, it can be destructive in the wrong hands (or minds), but I have also seen it used for tremendous good. Seems to me it's more about what you do with your beliefs about the world and the meaning of it all than it is about the details and falsifiability of those beliefs.

For the record, I have tremendous faith that before I die, we will find proof of life elsewhere in the universe.