The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60599 Message #971430
Posted By: catspaw49
24-Jun-03 - 05:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help! Our cedar trees seem to be sick.
Subject: RE: BS: Help! Our cedar trees seem to be sick.
Interesting discussion. I have always been amazed at the reilience of what is generally referred to around here as "scrub cedar." The shallow roots are often a hindrance but at the same time allows them to grow in the most unlikely of places. AS described above at Niagra, down at Cumberland Falls and along the river They can be found growing out of rock fissures so small as to be unbelievable. Many of them are quite old and have survived hot summers and frosen rock faces during some winters. Their ability to survive damn near anything has always made me think they are the cockroach of the tree world.