The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60599   Message #971463
Posted By: Mary in Kentucky
24-Jun-03 - 07:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Help! Our cedar trees seem to be sick.
Subject: RE: BS: Help! Our cedar trees seem to be sick.
We've used cedar trees for Christmas trees too! However, with so many molds on live trees, I was forced to use an artificial one when the kids were home.

Several years ago we had a bad drought that lasted several years. All the cedar trees were turning brown and looking poorly. Then the Spring we finally got lots of rain they fluffed out and were beautiful. They were so unusually beautiful that everyone noticed them and thought they were a different tree!

We also had a tornado that came through and nearly hit "My Old Kentucky Home." Many of the cedar trees around there were leveled. A friend of mine was in charge of the cleanup and gave Hubby some cedar wood which he used to make a beautiful cedar chest for my daughter.

We finally burned up some of those cedar blocks in our patio burner last year. There's nothing like the smell of a cedar fire.