The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #972185
Posted By: The O'Meara
25-Jun-03 - 12:23 PM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
(1)Tunesmith, I suggest you read the famous "Yes, Virginia" response to a little girl's question about the existence of Santa Claus. It applies as well to the same question about Jesus. (it really is worth digging it up and reading it.)
    (2)It's impossible to prove a negative, so there's no way to prove that Jesus didn't exist. If you really believe that, it must be an act of faith just as is believing he did exist.
    (3) I think you mistakenly blame religion for the evil behavior of humans. In the crusades, for example, the Christian religion was the excuse for slaughtering the Moors, who were a really threat to the established economy of europe. If Christianity didn't exist I'm sure the europeans would have used some other religion.
    (4) I, myself, am an ex-catholic who found the true path in Frisbeterianism. Frisbeterians belive that when you die, your soul sails onto the roof and you can't get it back down again.
