The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #972230
Posted By: Don Firth
25-Jun-03 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Tunesmith, you seem to be assuming that everyone who disagrees with your anti-religious tirades do so because they have "blind faith in the existence of Jesus." Or even that they have faith in Jesus at all, blind or otherwise. Some folks here fall into the "unchurched" category and do not center their beliefs on any one person or thing. You're attacking a straw man of your own manufacture. Kinda pointless.

Speaking of "true believers" as someone did above, and also spinning off from Little Hawk's post of 24 Jun 03 - 06:59 PM:— Eric Hoffer, in his excellent book of observations, The True Believer, says that first, the true believer—the fanatic—generally gets that way because he suffers from very low self-esteem and must associate himself with some Cause to give his life meaning. He will always be intensely passionate in espousing that Cause, because that Cause is central to his very life. It is his life. It's his raison d'être. But—second, as passionately as he advocates his Cause, he sometimes does undergo conversion. To another Cause. But no matter what Cause he happens to espouse at the time, he is always fanatical about it. The Nazi becomes a Communist, the Communist converts to fundamentalist Christianity, then he converts to orthodox Judaism, then he converts to a ferocious atheism (or the reverse path, or any combination thereof), and on and on. But no matter what he is at the time, he will beat you about the head and shoulders in the holy name of his Cause. Rational argument has no effect on him. Only something that disenchants him (for some reason it begins failing to feed his sense of self worth) from his Cause du jour, will get him change his mind. To yet another Cause.

Who are you lately?

Don Firth