The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #972587
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
26-Jun-03 - 07:23 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
First, it's amazing! Two correspondance have already said that they will not be reading " The Jesus Mysteries". Very interesting. Secondly, I still maintain that if "The Jesus Mysteries" were turned into a primetime tv program it would create worldwide unrest.
Thirdly, I dispute the view that the information contained in " The Jesus Mysteries" is common knowledge. As I have stated previously, I have friends who teach R.E. and they were unaware of the parallels between Jesus and previous godmen. I will agree that the church has conceded that Jesus wasn't born on 25th Dec, but the church will try to keep the lid on all those disturbing Jesus/Pagan Gods parallels.
Your average churchgoer - my wife, my mother , would never dream of questioning the validity of the Bible. But they might watch a well advertised, primetime tv program called "The Jesus Mysteries". But, as I have already stated, it will never happen. Maybe for purely pramatic reasons ( I'm being kind here ) someone at the top has probably decided that such a program would have a devastating effect on the stability of the Western World.