The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7089 Message #972608
Posted By: MMario
26-Jun-03 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Lone Pilgrim
MISSIONARY, OR WHITE PILGRIM (a tradition of New York Indians)
I came to the spot where the white pil-grim lay, And pen-sive-ly stood by his tomb; Whne in a low whis-per I heard something say, How sweet-ly I sleep here a-lone!
The tem-pest may roar, and the loud thun-der roll, And ga=ther-ing storms may a-rise; Yet calm are my feel-ings, at rest is my soul, The tears are all wiped from my eyes.
The cause of my Master propell'd me from home, I bid my companion farewell; I left my sweet children (who for me do mourn) In far distant regions to dwell.
I wander'd an exile and stranger below, To publish salvation abroad; The trunp of the gospel endeavor'd to blow Inviting poor sinners to God
But when among strangers, and far from my home, No kindred or relative nigh I met the contagion and sunk in the tomb, My spirit to mansions on high.
O tell my companion and children most dear To weep not for Joseph, though Gone! The ssame hand that lef me through scenes dar and drear Has kindly conducted me home.