The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #972723
Posted By: Rapparee
26-Jun-03 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Dear Tunesmith,

I have a minor in Theology, as taught by the Franciscan monks (OFM). Throughout the courses I took, parallels were noted between the Biblical Jesus of Nazareth and other Biblical figures such a Noah (parallel is Babylonian -- go find out for yourself). The parallels to Osiris and others were studied. You have also missed, in your focus on JC, parallels to his mother -- she was not the first to have either a virgin birth OR and immaculate conception! Again, these parallels are not kept hidden away; you should be able to find them in or obtain them from any halfways decent public library.

If your friends are ignorant of these parallels, I can only suggest that they haven't the curiousity or inclination to investigate.

As for your prime time show, it might be made for Discovery or the History Channel, but I doubt that sponsors for the commercial networks would see enough profit in it to back it. I encourage you to try for it, though, because you're correct in assuming that it would be watched. Whether or not it would be believed is another story. I hardly think, though, that it would destroy Western or world civilization -- Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods?" series certainly didn't, the "Bermuda Triangle" silliness hasn't, the writings of Thomas Paine, Voltaire, and others hasn't, and I strongly doubt that such a show would do so.

I urge you to go read some other books. The Truth is out there, but like most things, it is neither simple nor easily obtained -- certainly not from one book or One Book.