The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #972726
Posted By: Sam L
26-Jun-03 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Oh come on. You're being kind. Kinda silly. Someone at the top has decided. O, come on now.

There used to be a great t.v. show when I was a kid called Kolchak, the night stalker, about an odd-ball little reporter for a national-enquirer sort of rag. All the weird stories were true, but in the end were covered up by the government, in it's dedication to protect us all from weird information. It was that guy, the dad in A Christmas Story, whatsisname, in a white seersucker suit. Really a funny premise.

   Geez, Tunesmith, a person doesn't have to read any particular book to lack faith, or have doubts about any particular religion. I get my conspiracies mixed up--is it the old Jewish conspiracy maybe that's trying to foist the myth of the existance Jesus on everyone? Wow, that would be a pretty sly ploy. Another way of doubting Jesus requires no other book than the bible itself--the strained cobbling of the new testament story to fit the prophesies in the old testament. Borges once wrote a little fictional story arguing that Judas was actually the messiah, which was mistakenly published as earnest scholarship, I think by Robert Creely.

   I don't know. Kevin Smith made a popular movie in which Alanis Morrisette was God. There was some fuss about Scorcese's Jesus movie, which others of us found merely boring. I guess some people might be upset by such a t.v. special. Is that the point? To upset people like your wife and mother? I don't know if you'll find backers. Most documentaries want to generate a broader interest generally than simply to upset some people.

   That the same stories get retold isn't proof anyone didn't exist, it's proof of how people tell stories, regardless. The New Testament itself suggests that it may be mistold, in the literary tradition of unreliable narrators. Jesus is perpetually surprised by his disciple's lack of understanding, and they are the reporters.

   Anyone who wants to doubt, can. Abraham Lincoln rejected Jesus. Some people will try to impose their beliefs on you, but you can also question the impulse to respond in kind.