The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60629   Message #972773
Posted By: M.Ted
26-Jun-03 - 12:02 PM
Thread Name: What price the truth!!
Subject: RE: What price the truth!!
Backing Rapaire up on the fact that this stuff is not kept hidden, I have actually heard Fransicans talk about this stuff on the Today Show--As for my own exposure, we learned about all this stuff in Unitarian Sunday School--(Unitarians having broken away from mainstream Christianity after the the Council of Nicea in 326 A.Dwhere they developed the concept of the Trinity and where they decided on which scriptures would be included in the Bible-the 66 books that we now call the Bible were declared to be Scripture by a vote of 568 to 563)--

Check out these sites: The Jesus Puzzle and Messianic Truth for more details on the questionable aspects of the scriptures, but remember that the authors who are debunking Christianity tend to have their own agendas, be it Neo-Paganism, Goddess Worship, Messianic Judaism--and all of these have aspects that are, in turn, highly debunkable--