The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60617   Message #973649
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jun-03 - 09:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Subject: RE: BS: Okay, Howard Dean for President
Hmmmm, looks like the progressives are startin' to get some support, at least in the circle.

That's great. Maybe Dean will get the nomination, much to the displeasue of the DNC who want their folks to be more like Repubs.
Well, it would be nice to have some seeds planted that have now been wastin' away in the envelope for the last 20 or so years.

No, Dean can't win against Bush because Bush has had thre media in his back pocket going back well before the '00 debacle, but at least progressives woould get the danged microphone and Joe Sixpack would hear this stuff and so when the '06 midterms come around,a nd these seeds have grown, BANG!, the crookier of the crooks will have a shot fired accross the bow as they loose major congessional races. Dean can be the martyr that sets the stage for this to happen.

Like when was the last time a real *progressive* ahd the microphone? I think it was FDR.....

Green for Dean
