The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #42180   Message #973961
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
28-Jun-03 - 04:40 PM
Thread Name: TECH: Anyone use Linux?
Subject: RE: TECH: Anyone use Linux?
John in Brisbane - I downloaded Knoppix a couple of days back and have put it onto a CD-rom. Running from CD some of the applications are very slow. I gather that if it is installed to hard drive this it runs at a much improved rate.
It looks good, but there are some things which I haven't yet managed to suss out, which limit what I can do. First I have saved some personal preference settings to floppy disc, but I haven't yet managed to find in documentation how to get them to reload at bootup time. Secondly I can get it to recognise a broadband modem connected with USB, but I haven't figured how to get Knoppix to use it to access the Internet.
Have you discovered any useful tips to pass on yet?