The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #60658   Message #974165
Posted By: Red and White Rabbit
29-Jun-03 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Review: beverley fest did you enjoy?
Subject: RE: Review: beverley fest did you enjoy?
Guest - sorry I didnt see an unhappy catter t-shirt walking around at Oddfellows else I would have said Hi
I dont know most catters only being new to this place but I have found them very friendly

I didnt go near the food tent - out of my price bracket but most people seem to have been disappointed and wanted the scouts back

I thought it was interesting on Saturday afternoon that I could have sat in the car park and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the concert in the festival hall thinggy without having to be hot and bothered inside. Got a bit cofused by the programme only having half the fringe events listed but I understand why that happened

basically had a great weekend but I am now really sorry that GUEST felt so excluded - sorry mate - will try harder next time (with a carnation and I promise I will say hi)